My Goofy Story About RHDN In November 2023, the now-readonly disabled downloads for a time, due to an issue with scrapers eating up the bandwidth. In response, I wrote a silly story and replied to the site announcement thread with it.

It was a dark and desolate time for the citizens of ROM Hacking Dot Net. For more than 24 hours now, the ability to acquire downloads from the site was disabled, thrown away, discarded, indiscriminately taken from everyone. Those who wished to download were famished and desperate, and those who wished to upload felt frustrated and betrayed. It was a necessary decision, given how bandwidth does not simply grow on trees, yet nonetheless one that caused much an impact on the citizens.
It especially impacted Little Timmy, who had just submitted his hack to the queue. The contents of this submission was for a hack entry titled "Kirby's Dream Land 1 100% Objectively Good Colorization", and the ips patch he submitted was a one-byte change to the header that would make the ROM boot in GBC mode. The patch version was 0.0.1prealpha, and the description of the submission made a call for a team to finish the hack. One that consisted of an asm hacker, tool programmer, colorizer, graphics editor, musician, translator, voice actors, and HR department, all directed by Little Timmy himself, who offered to be The Idea Guy. Needless to say, he was absolutely let down by the sudden inability for people to download hacks, making his self-proclaimed perfect opportunity to heed the call for his ambitious hack idea totally ruined. Never would his idea get the light he so thought it deserved.